

Opinion Articles

Reflections on Nigeria’s 2024 Elections: Critical lessons for 2025 – Samson Itodo

The year 2024 marked 25 years of uninterrupted democratic rule in Nigeria. The 2024 electoral calendar, featuring four types of national and state elections tested public confidence in the electoral...

Let Her Lead: Increasing Female Students’ Political Participation on Our Campuses

Student unionism in Nigeria can be traced back to 1952 when the National Union of Nigerian Students (NUNS) emerged from the defunct West African Students Union (WASU). The union which...
Ibrahim Faruk

National Youth Conference: Different from its predecessors or more of the same?

Our Africa Programme Coordinator looks at the proposed National Youth Conference, and proffers ideas on how to make the most of it.

Addressing Nigeria’s Unresolved Electoral Reform Issues – Samson Itodo

Excerpts from a Paper presented at the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) 2024 Annual General Conference, Lagos, 27th August 2024 Since the advent of Nigeria’s 25-year democracy, the Independent National Electoral...

Local Government Elections: Strengthen SIECs Instead of Abrogating Them

*By David Mkpume  In Nigeria’s federal structure, the local government system is designed to operate closest to the grassroots, making it easier for citizens to participate in governance. This is...

2024: The Year of Elections and Lessons from the Beautiful Game

What do elections and football have in common, especially in terms of how you can improve both?

Constitutional disempowerment of state electoral commissions and its impact on local government elections in Nigeria

*By Samson Itodo Local government elections in Nigeria have long been marred by rampant rigging and manipulation, favouring incumbents and ruling parties. Since the 1950s, political interference has plagued these...

Early Voting in the South African 2024 Elections: Any Lessons for Nigeria?

*By Uchenna Aja On May 29th, 2024, South Africans went to the polls for their general elections for the seventh time in its three decades of multi-racial democracy. This election...

Strengthening Nigeria’s Political Parties for Good Governance

*By David Mkpume Democracy as the cornerstone of modern governance thrives on the strength of its institutions, which includes political parties as they play a pivotal role in shaping the...

Cybersecurity Levy and Nigeria’s Opaque Lawmaking Process

*By Mark Amaza The past couple of weeks have been abuzz with outrage at the circular from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to commercial banks in the country to...

The different faces of freedom as South Africans march to the polls

By Cynthia Mbamalu South Africans will be going to the polls on 29 May in the seventh general elections since the end of Apartheid in 1994. Interestingly, 2024 is a...

Youth Capture of Senegal’s Presidential Seat: Reflections for Nigerian Youths

By Ana’ayi Jennifer Danbagai Recently, the world celebrated the emergence of President Faye Bassirou Diomaye, the youngest Senegalese President since its independence, on his victory. His victory demonstrates the possibility...

Lessons for Africa from Senegal’s Elections

*By Ana’ayi Jennifer Danbagai Democracy in the African continent has suffered major setbacks over the last few decades. The coup trends across Sahel West Africa; Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, and...

Improving the Integrity of Nigeria’s Voter Register

Improving the Integrity of Nigeria’s Voter Register By Attahiru M. Jega Professor Department of Political Science Bayero University, Kano Keynote Address presented at the Policy Roundtable on the Theme: Improving...

Democracy in Africa: A Fragile Promise

By Chinemerem Onuorah In the last three years, Africa has witnessed a series of successful military takeovers of governments, with six countries affected, while  Sudan and Sierra Leone experienced inconclusive...

Democracy and the Dangers of Unconstitutional Transition in West Africa

By David Mkpume The sudden rise in unconstitutional transitions of power mostly via military coups in the west Africa subregion is a major cause for concern to every advocate of...
Select lawmakers and invited guests at The Convergence 5.0

Young Lawmakers Learning the Ropes Through Quality Service Delivery

By David Mkpume The signing of the Not Too Young to Run Bill into law by former President Muhammad Buhari on May 31st, 2018, opened the space for the inclusion...
Ballot Paper used in the Sierra Leone Presidential Election

‘Wi Wan Vote’: Reflections on Citizen Participation, Electoral Technology and Results Management from Sierra Leone’s 2023 General Election

By Ibrahim Faruk There is a common denominator that African citizens in 24 countries have and will have in 2023: We want to vote!  The year 2023 is a very...
Samson Itodo speaking at The Convergence 5.0

Not Too Young to Run and historic wins in Nigeria’s 2023 elections

By Samson Itodo Dissatisfaction with democratic politics is fueled partly by the dominance of gerontocrats in politics and the disconnect between politics and citizens. The value citizens derive from politics...

Experiences of Our Constituency Office Interns

In February 2022, Yiaga Africa launched a Constituency Office Internship Programme to support selected members of the House of Representatives by placing interns in their constituency offices. The three-month programme,...