

By David Mkpume The sudden rise in unconstitutional transitions of power mostly via military coups in the west Africa subregion is a major cause for concern to every advocate of democracy across the world.  The entire West Africa region is currently gripped by potential autocratic or military forces taking over government from democratic elected leaders...
Today, we would like to join the rest of the world to specially celebrate the role that young women and men play as essential partners in change. The International Youth Day provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the challenges and problems facing the world’s youth and how young people can be empowered to provide...
Yiaga Africa and the Young Parliamentarians Forum (YPF) of the National Assembly have charged young lawmakers to introduce important and quality legislative bills that will impact positively on their constituents. Young lawmakers were also reminded that the basic tools for making laws is the bill and for them to understand that the quality of legislation...
On July 28, Yiaga Africa presented its report of observation of the 2023 general elections titled, “Dashed Hopes?” at a press conference attended by election stakeholders including members of political parties, civil society organisations, donor partners, security agencies and the media. The comprehensive 90-page, four-part report detailed Yiaga Africa’s election engagement strategy which saw the...
On Monday, Yiaga Africa and WeLead Trust, a youth leadership and advocacy organisation based in Zimbabwe, hosted a Twitter Space event titled “HERSTORY: Amplifying Women’s Voices in Elections.” The conversation featured distinguished young speakers who are politicians and activists from several parts of Africa, each providing valuable insights on fostering youth engagement in politics, the...
Select lawmakers and invited guests at The Convergence 5.0
By David Mkpume The signing of the Not Too Young to Run Bill into law by former President Muhammad Buhari on May 31st, 2018, opened the space for the inclusion of young people in politics. By lowering the age limits for contesting elections, this law enabled young people to begin their political journey early. However,...
Ballot Paper used in the Sierra Leone Presidential Election
By Ibrahim Faruk There is a common denominator that African citizens in 24 countries have and will have in 2023: We want to vote!  The year 2023 is a very crucial one for Africa in terms of change of government via election as a total of 24 general, legislative and local elections would take place in the...
Samson Itodo speaking at The Convergence 5.0
By Samson Itodo Dissatisfaction with democratic politics is fueled partly by the dominance of gerontocrats in politics and the disconnect between politics and citizens. The value citizens derive from politics is primarily influenced by the manner political actors practice the game of politics. Politics loses its relevance when it fails to deliver tangible outputs to...
Group Picture of #ThePowerOf18 Champions
Yiaga Africa has provided SLE 75,000 to support civic projects aimed at mobilising young civic actors towards increased voter education and citizen mobilisation initiatives for the 24 June 2023 General Elections in Sierra Leone. The elections, which will be the fifth consecutive one since the end of the country’s civil war in 2002, will see...
In February 2022, Yiaga Africa launched a Constituency Office Internship Programme to support selected members of the House of Representatives by placing interns in their constituency offices. The three-month programme, which was implemented under the European Union Support to Democratic Governance (EU-SDGN) and in collaboration with the National Institute of Legal and Democratic Studies (NILDS)...
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Yiaga Africa is a non-profit civic hub of change makers committed to the promotion of democratic governance, human rights and civic engagement.

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