
Democracy Brief 2017

As part of building a culture of research and scholarship among young Africans and in a bid to amplify the voices, views and contributions of young Africans on issues of democratic development on the continent, Yiaga Africa and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) partnered to publish the first edition of the Democracy Brief. 

The Democracy Brief 2017 focuses on institutionalising participation and inclusion as basic principles for democratic development and political stability in Africa. The papers that form the Democracy Brief cover the following sub-themes:

  1. People, power and change
  2. Young people and political rights
  3. Campaigns, advocacy and movement building in West Africa.
  4. Legislative engagement and democratic accountability
  5. Regional institution and democratic strengthening
  6. Youth leadership and intergenerational relationship
  7. Youth, electoral violence and radicalisation
  8. Civil society and political society relationship
  9. Innovation in political governance
  10. Youth and Constitution building.